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Leather-Bound Ben Hogan's Five Lessons of Golf Book - Personalized

Item #: XB1542
Legendary golfer Ben Hogan promised, "The average golfer is entirely capable of building a repeating swing and breaking 80." This classic book, first published in 1957, has proved him right countless times. A gift any golfer will treasure, book is bound by hand in brown leather that will only look better with age and use. Leather bound, 128 pages, fully illu... More
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Legendary golfer Ben Hogan promised, "The average golfer is entirely capable of building a repeating swing and breaking 80." This classic book, first published in 1957, has proved him right countless times. A gift any golfer will treasure, book is bound by hand in brown leather that will only look better with age and use. Leather bound, 128 pages, fully illustrated. May be personalized (item XB1542) on the front with 3 initials. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Item can only be shipped within the Continental US.
Please note: Delivery time for this item is 2-3 Weeks.

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