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Sando DVD

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Item #: XC2742
Charismatic but conceited Victoria "Sando" Sandringham (Sacha Horler, Jack Irish, Crownies) made a name for herself as the "package deal queen" of her furniture empire. But after an outrageous indiscretion at the wedding of her daughter, Susie (Krew Boylan, A Place to Call Home), Sando's family cut her out of their lives. Ten years later, Sando is being forc... More
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Charismatic but conceited Victoria "Sando" Sandringham (Sacha Horler, Jack Irish, Crownies) made a name for herself as the "package deal queen" of her furniture empire. But after an outrageous indiscretion at the wedding of her daughter, Susie (Krew Boylan, A Place to Call Home), Sando's family cut her out of their lives. Ten years later, Sando is being forced out of her company, too. As tension builds in the household, can Sando win back her family and her business, or will her selfishness be a deal breaker?

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